Monday, November 2, 2009

2nd Novembre.

The weather is hotttttt.
I have too much work to do.
And, i'm over school already :/

Buuuut, i'm pretty stoked about being able to get my tattoo in 9 months. I'm taking a lot of photos and i'm singing as often as i can. I have to work super hard on my analytical pieces for advanced, extension one and extension two english. I'm super excited about the Arch Enemy concert on Friday night. I really need to get out there and have a good time, i've spent too much time focusing on the bad. Patrick's cooking me dinner on Thursday night, no idea what he's cooking, but i'm sure it will be really good. He always does the sweetest things for me. My lazyness has started to kick back in. I really need to get my motivation back. My shoulder is actually starting to get a littttttle better, i have been doing exercises that the physio has told me to do and i might actually be able to start drumming again, MAYBE. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it's pretty exciting. Oh lolicles at my mother attempting to sing metal. She's pretty brutal. My dad is even better, he wears my hair extensions like a proper lady should. My dad is a much better 'scene' than i could ever be. A song i'm really enjoying at the moment is Vlad the Impaler by Kasabian, you should listen to it. Anway that is all from me tonight, i am off to throw myself under a waterfall of shower water and immerse myself in the most fantasical body wash i have ever encountered. Toodles.

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