Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stress is starting to kick in. I had extension two this afternoon, we discussed our ideas for the major works, talked about structure and in what direction we want to go with our stories. Basically my idea is constantly evolving, i'm not entirely sure about what direction it is going in but i do have a definite basis of what i want to explore. My story focuses on the human condition, psychology, philosophy and the harsh world we live in and the relationships we make. I want to focus on intimacy. I'm writing down little things i notice about people, mannerisms.. things that make them them. I want to dig deep into the relationship between two people, not necessarily a mutual relationship either. I want it to be a lot more complex than the typical 'boy meets girl' type story. I want to focus on lust, hurt, intensity. I'm going to explore the concept that one action can define the rest of your life. My idea is to write a chapter, a day in the life of my main character. The second chapter begins the same as the first, but an action is changed and the outcome of the story is completely different. This is just the initial idea. It will be a stream of conciousness, modern/post-modern, fragmented type story. I have to start reading up on psychology, literary theorists and watch/read a lot of material. Stressstressstress. But it is a lot of fun.

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